We hope everyone’s week is going well! This roundup is a good one, full of some great articles on niche marketing tips, social media content prompts, client communication tips and much more.

1. 5 Niche Marketing Tips For Financial Advisors (With Tyler Hackenberg) via The Podcast Factory

We often talk about the importance of choosing a niche to serve and really honing in on that. Not only does it allow you to provide more specialized services, but you get more for your marketing dollar. However, many advisors think that if they are generalists and cater to a wider niche, they will get more clients, but that is not the case. In this podcast episode, you’ll hear from Tyler Hackenberg and learn how he focuses on a niche market and tips for doing so.

2. How To Create Email Marketing Templates via iMPACT

Email marketing is an incredible tool for connecting with both prospects and clients. The ROI is great ($36 for every $1 spent!) and advisors can reach thousands of people with the click of a button. But advisors are busy, so streamlining your processes is crucial, and creating email templates you can reuse is a great way to do this! Learn how in this article.

3. 30 Days of Content Prompts [Infographic] via Social Media Today

If you’re looking for a consistent supply of social media prompts to post and share with your audience, then look no further than this infographic. It will help you to get the most out of your posts while also promoting other ideas. Be sure to give it a read and start connecting.

4. 9 Financial Advisor Time Management Tips to Boost Productivity via Red Zone Marketing

Running a business can be incredibly difficult, especially when it comes to time management and accomplishing everything that you want to get done. How can you take back your time and boost productivity at your firm? Here are nine tips to boost productivity:

  1. Allocate specific days or times of the week for work on the business, client prep, and client meetings.
  2. Carve out time to plan
  3. Buy a timer and schedule work into chunks—30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, or more if needed.
  4. Schedule your most productive activities around your most productive times of day.
  5. Schedule your least productive activities around lower energy times of day.
  6. Write out your schedule, but remain flexible (on some things).
  7. Develop a morning ritual
  8. Block off time for yourself
  9. Delegate

These are all simple yet highly actionable ways to take back your time and get the most out of your business.

5. 5 Tips for Client Communication During Times of Volatility via Advisorpedia

Communication is one of if not the most important ways to establish trust between a financial advisor and their clients, and that rings even truer during times of market volatility. Your communication strategy should show your clients you’re there for them by responding to events that might impact their financial plans, and here are five tips for communicating with clients during times of market volatility.

  1. Write once and repurpose multiple ways
  2. Overthink your subject line
  3. Offer multiple communication channels
  4. Take advantage of holidays and “themes” for each month
  5. Limit the industry jargon.

Get the most out of your communication strategy by following these five tips.

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